Get Your Complimentary Personalized Benefits Analysis Today - Exclusively for Federal Employees!

At Fed Retirement Edu, we understand that the 5 years just prior to retirement and the 5 years immediately following retirement are the most critical period in the life of a federal employee. Decisions made during this period can affect your life and the lives of your loved ones forever. That’s why we’re pleased to offer a complimentary Personalized Benefits Analysis exclusively for each employee.

Our expert team will create a personalized analysis of your benefits, taking into consideration all of the individual components that impact your retirement income. This analysis is critical for ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your current income versus your retirement income. It will also help you make informed decisions regarding survivor benefits, Thrift Savings Plan, Social Security, and Medicare, so that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement for all the remaining years.
Choosing the best investment inside the TSP and the method of distribution can often make or break the annuitant’s retirement income. Similarly, knowing the cost of FEGLI insurance during retirement years is also a critical component in the pre-retirement decisions. Finally, the continuation of Federal Employee Health Benefits and coordination with Medicare after 65 is a major decision point that requires careful consideration.

With our Personalized Benefits Analysis, you’ll have a much clearer picture of your own benefits at the time of retirement and projected out for all future years. Don’t leave your retirement planning to chance – schedule your complimentary analysis today and start making informed decisions for a brighter future!

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